OpenCities Map Help

Creating a Linear Feature

Linestring/curve features are based on SDO_CURVE (SDO_GTYPE=2002, 2006, 3002, 3006) tables. These features can contain circular arcs and lines. Elliptic arcs and other curves are stroked on input and not recreated on extract. These features can have sub-features of type text or any other types and can also be 3D.

Line tables are mapped as XFM Linear Collection features if the spatial index is of type Multicurve, and as XFM features if the spatial index is of type Curve. If no spatial index is created on the table or the spatial is of type COLLECTION then the software reads the first row of the table and uses this geometry type to create a corresponding XFM collection type.

NURBS support is in Oracle 12C and later.

OpenCities Map will support the new NURBs (Non Uniform Rational B-spline) data type in Oracle Spatial.

Oracle supports these curves in 2D only with a projected coordinate system. These are supported as SDO_GTYPE=2006